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Showing posts from March, 2009

Love + Sex with Robots: the Evolution of Human-Robot Relationships by David Levy

Technology is constantly upgrading and improving, mostly to make our lives easier. Many of us are still waiting for flying cars. While waiting, why not start a relationship with a robot? David Levy observes in his book, Love + Sex with Robots: the Evolution of Human-Robot Relationships , while there has been technology created to simplify our lives, it will be no different for our emotional and sexual needs. Robots already provide companionship (remember the Tamagotchi?) and clean our floors (Roomba, anyone?), so it won’t be too long until we can get a robot to interact with and date, right? In Love + Sex with Robot s, first comes love, as Levy describes the relationship between human and humans, then humans and pets, and finally humans and technology. He explains why it’s just the logical next step for robots to become available for companionship, romantic or otherwise (say goodbye to those lonely Friday nights!). He then goes on to describe the sexual relationships of humans from th


Hello everyone! For those who don't know me, I thought I'd introduce myself. You can just call me Gen. I work for a bookstore and like to read a lot. I always encounter people trying to figure out what they should read, so I thought I'd try to help out with making this blog! These are books I've read or am reading that I really enjoyed and hope you might enjoy reading too, but just because I really liked them, doesn't exactly mean the same for you so just keep that in mind. That's all for now. I hope you enjoy reading!